Thursday, November 6, 2008

my puppy

as you all know, i have one of the WORLDS best dogs! i just want to show you guys some pics of my pride and joy!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

well, school

i have neglected my blog.... again... i really promise I'll try to write at least 1 time a week...... my puppy Kali threw up a sock last week. oh goody. and on Wednesday the 13th (my bad luck day) school started. and today i realized how big my puppy is going to get... here is a pic of the little spit-fire. since she is a mix between a golden retriever and the biggest standard poodle ever known to man, she will get about 75 lbs!

school, has been kinda fun, I've already had 5-6 homework assignments but that's life, eh? also, my locker room in PE is like a million degrees, and of course we start running on the track monday....... wel enough with me feeling sorry for myself. Its time for you to tell me...

ATTENTION: If you are reading this you are required to comment on your summer/school....muahahahahahah, i feel like my English teaher, mrs. evilmeier.

LASt thing, in case you have been confused all names mentioned about other people have been changed and these are NOT THE REAL NAMES!

Monday, July 28, 2008

my vacation thus far....

I'm so sorry blogger peeps. but i have been SWAMPED with stuff to do. life is just hectic -wink wink nod nod- so ill write now
my vacation stated with us going to Branson and we had an amazing time on the lake and at the pool located in the friendly tribesman resort.
(my little brother at the pool)

We also had a rootin tootin hootin dootin pootin good time at the DIXIE STAMPEDE Y'ALL!! -YEEEEEHHAAAWWWWW- where you sit in a football field sized arena and have a 6 course meal with your god intended silverware (be sure to use the wipes after eatin the whole chicken with you hands) teehheee, funny story. My little brother nick -pictured above- had no idea that we were going to use our hands to eat a whole chicken. so when the serving girl came over he said "Miss, do we get to eat a WHOLE chicken with our hands???? " in his cute 5-year-old-but-hes-really-almost-8 voice. when the serving girl said yes, his eyes turned to the size of golfballs! and dug in. the whole chicken. gone just bones. he couldnt eat till lunch the next day........

and the 4 hour drive home was peaceful becuase we were too full to argue about the pronunciation of cacao (jackson, its pronounce cah-cow not ca-ca-oh) and we drove to the vet to pick up our little furry ball of trouble. (ME with my little puppy)

so we did normal summer stuff like pool swimming and turtle catching, and staying up later than usual.
until about a week ago....... our cousins, the krauses who live about a mile away had a next door neighbor run away to their house. he was a little 5 year old who ran away because his mom made him clean his room. teehee. so my uncle Paul worked him TO THE BONE, the little guy almost cried twice and was very shocked when it was dinner time. he got a can of refiried beans,while we (the other kids) were SO elated because it was the first time in YEARS when we actually got cheese on our macaroni. -wink wink nod nod- and that we loved to go to bed because we worked so hard all day. my uncle had to finally kick him out so he could go home, because the little guy just rang the doorbell put his bag on the floor and said "I'm gonna live here cause my mom is sooo stupid" nice kid.
my fingers are tired, more to come about my vacation later... BYE

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

rainy days are

as i sat on the couch today thinking of what i should write, a very cheesy, nostalgic memory came into my mind. All of the CT gang (chain gang) were at our house when it was pouring rain and we were all eating massive bowls of lucky charms for dinner, and then it hit me, what rainy days are

rainy days are showing lucky charm marshmallows no mercy

rainy days are old boxes of brownie mix that might have been expired for a day being devoured

rainy days are learning things about people you'd never like to learn

rainy days are reminiscing on movies so old, that you have to spend half an hour trying to re-figure out the vcr player
those movies are the funniest

rainy days are watching old home movies with friends, but are really embarassing moments of you (see #3)

rainy days are discovering you have true friend who dont care about a diaper dance

rainy days are muddy games of kickball that end in a world famous side to home base

rainy days are making boats out of popsicle sticks, and racing them on the streets

rainy days are proving good contsruction (knowledge) always trumps pink sparkles (beauty)

rainy days are good for the soul

Saturday, June 21, 2008

This weeks lessons and video...

This weeks video- G rated, very cute, very funny

This weeks lessons-

Bikes made of plastic that you try to ride for a mile will hurt terribly

babysitting at 1 am is scary

no matter what you tell her, your sister will still call your neighbors 1000 pound boxer georgia when his (its?) name is CHARGER

macs arent the best computers in the world once the honeymoon phase is over

life isnt fair.......ever

"the office" is a cure to an extremely bad day, laughs make sunshine in a cloudy day

I will get frustrated when nobody comment on my blog (hint hint)

i really miss my friends from CT quote from stewart little "There's just this, empty space in my heart."

i will cry at the girls camp testimony meeting

that is the first time i have cried for a testimony related thing

FOR MY READERS..... im a mormon, that will explain alot in more posts soon to come

Sunday, June 15, 2008

aahhh, the joys of girls camp

i just got back from girls camp, sorry haven't posted. i had a great time waterskiing, horse riding, and rock climbing! and i'm sure my 34 ticks, 10 'skeeter bites, and 5 chiggers had a great time sucking on my sugar pumped blood. and of course our tent was a luxury resort to the 3 raccoons who decided to visit us at 3 am. i have two great stories to tell

el numero uno: my friend had lost her b** and my other friend had lost her under wear. I was sitting inside our canvas-tent-cabin thingy while aly was behind our tent inside our tent, and taylor was in our tent in our tent... here goes the story

Friend 1 "GAAAAHHHH i must have dropped my underwear! (we had just got back from showering) NOBODY COME BACK HERE

Friend 2 "Where is my bra? i swear i had it! NOBODY COME IN HERE

Me "we must have a stalker...

Friend 1 " Hey guys whats that noise?

Friend 2 and i "i dunno"

Friend 1 " AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH -screams- its a huuuuuuuge spider! -trips over clothes and falls in tent with topless taylor

Friend 2 "GET OUT"

friend 1 "DONT LOOK AT ME"


Me "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -rolls on floor from laughing, literally- HAHAHAHAHAHA -tries to get up then falls out of canvas cabin thing-


i got the hardest laughing fit i have ever had in my whole life!!!!


setting: we are at devotional reading scriptures as part of the lesson sitting around the campfire

Friend: "and the lord said 'confide in me and thy will come fart in the joys of my tender mercies"


Friend "wat did i say?"

Sister ****** "Just keep reading"

aaahhhh, wat fun facts camp can reveal about other people, and yourself

i found out that i can do mean belly flop, and then almost have to be rescued by the lifeguard

I found out i am scared of racoons at 3 am

I found out i kinda mumble in my sleep

I found out ticks are very clever

I found out that my favorite activity when it is raining during camp is dousind them with bug spray and lighting them on fire

Monday, June 9, 2008



My furry loving ball of trouble

As you may be aware of, I have just got a new Puppy! :)
this little fun loving fluffball has just made my life a madhouse! She has has 3 #1 accidents and only 1 #2 accident! Not so bad i guess. But she has her quirks that make us laugh harder than we have in awhile! GRRR.... I cant post a picture... grrrrr....

Her quirks:

1. When she gets excited her left ears flops up on her head

2. When she's really happy she wags her tail up and down

3. When she is extremely happy she wags her tail like a helicopter

4. She can obliterate a tennisball in 1 min 3 sec (I timed it)

5. She annoys little dogs

6. She thinks she's a horse

7. She scared away a lab because she was so hyper


1. A piece of tin-foil

2. 6 Worms

3. 2 legos

4. A piece of that stuff that goes under the carpet the size of her paw.

5. My finger....... GOTCHA didn't I? lol

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Let's play a game.......

As you know, i don't use proper punctuation or capitalization that often. Without counting, try to guess how many errors i was too lazy to fix, the winner will get something (probably just a congratulations but just play along) Ready..... Set....... GUESS!!!!

P.S - this post counts.

This weeks video

I've decided to make a weekly post on funny videos i find scattered around the 'net. I found this one floating all alone on youtube, with only 306 views. I have no clue why because i found it extremely funny.
WARNING: there is a swear word, and i almost thought of choosing a different video, but here it goes, may the LOLing begin

Friday, June 6, 2008

This month

I have been so busy this past month, so sorry i haven't posted. This past month i have learned quite a few things, here is a list...

1. No matter what you do, a vacuum will NOT dry your hair
2. When your grandma says something you dont understand, just play along
3. When there is a 70% off sale at the lindtt chocolate store, the line WILL be long.
4. Puppies do NOT have stomachs or bladders of steel.
5. Teachers don't appreciate when you doodle on worksheets.
6. When olivia screams.......... she WILL burst your eardrums
7. Brothers can somehow get toothpaste on the ceiling
8. No matter how hard you try to hide a puppy accident, mom will find out
9. Putting a glass jar in the trash compactor because your mom never compacts it, is NOT a good theory.
10. College kids scream loudly on rollercoasters
11. I sadly am addicted to rollercoasters.
12. You cannot make one of those zipline things in you backyard with a long piece of rope, and a stick. It will end in pain and tears.
13. Mom is always right, even if she isn't.
14. Mom's punch in the code on the vending machines with that finger nobody really should put up.
15. grandmas point to words in books with that same finger.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

euphemisms from grandma

well, sorry i havent posted because my loving grandma (mamo) has been here..... and i have heard a totally different language. here is a list of her enthusiastic euphemisms....

1.rubber scaper- i had no clue what it was, but then after asking me a million times to get it, and me saying "what is that?!?!?!" i found out that it is what my branch of the family tree calls a spatula

2. mixer- this is a funny one, my mamo asked me to get out a mixer, and i got out our like 50 pound electric mixer, and she said "no jess, a mixer" so finally i just guessed and pulled out a __________. What was it? a MIXING BOWL

3.unders- now that i think about it, there really is no explanation needed for this, i was just being extremely stupid.

4. friskies - when she asked if we were going to feed our dog friskies, i said it was a cat food, and she disagreed. I guess it used to be the only dog food that was good for your dog back then.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Here i come, world

I am so excited, my first not fictitious blog is finally started. I just want to say hi and that i will make exciting posts.